Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Historical Aryan (Airyan) Women

Michael H. Momeni

Historical Aryan (Airyan) Women

Islamic occupation of the greater part of Iran after the defeat of the Sasanians around 651 AD lead to both cultural arrest of Aryan culture and complete elimination of women participation in the Islamic occupied territories. Several attempts to recover have been partially successful, but the entrenched changes are very slow to reverse.

The Sasanian Empire, known to its inhabitants as Ērānshahr and Ērān (Iran), meaning the land of Arya (Airya), was the last Iranian empire before the invasion by the Islamic army.  The Sassanian dynasty ruled 224 AD to 651 AD.

The Sassanian Empire, which succeeded the Parthia Empire, was recognized as one of the main powers in Western and Central Asia, alongside the Roman-Byzantine Empire, for a period of more than 400 years.

The Flag of Sassanid Empire - EranShahr/ Eran

Derafsh Kaviyani, Jewels 224AD-651AD (

Who were important female leaders among the Aryan population from antiquity to about 650 AD? 

Mandana (600 to 559 BCE) was a Median princess, daughter of the King Astyages and later, the Queen consort of Cambyses of Anshan and mother of Cyrus the Great.

Cassandane Shahbanu (575 to 519 BCE) was an Achaemenid Persian, the daughter of Pharnaspes and the wife of Cyrus the Great. Queen Cassandane was buried in the tower called Zendaan-e Solaymaan at Pasargadae, Iran.
In Airyan language Shahbanu means Shah’s lady.

 The name Cassandane (Kassandra) in Old Persian means “creation of glory”. 


Pantea Arteshbod was Persian commanders during the reign of Cyrus the Great (559–530 BCE). She was the wife of General Aryasb (Achaemenid Arteshbod). She played an important role in keeping law & order in Babylonia after the conquest of the Neo-Babylonian Empire in 547 BCE by Cyrus the Great.

Pantea and General Aryasb were the commanders of the elite force of Persian soldiers who performed the dual roles of both Imperial Guard and standing army during the Persian Empire’s expansion. In Persian lore, Pantea Arteshbod was beautiful and tough Commander. She kept her face covered with an intimidating Battle Mask during the war to protect her face. Translation of the word Pantea is Commander. Oior Pantea means the top commander.

Atusa Shahbanu (Atossa), born 550 BCE, died 475 BCE, was the Empress of the Persian Achaemenid Empire, wife Darius the Great, daughter of Cyrus the Great, and Queen Cassandane, a half-sister of Cambyses II and the mother of Xerxes the Great (Kheshayar Shah).

Bust of Atusa from 5th century BC in the national museum of Iran

Grand Admiral Artemisia became the ruler of Halicarnassus (A Greek City-State and a colony of Persian Empire). She ruled under the Persian Emperor Xerxes I (Kheshayar Shah). She was a legendary Grand Admiral and leader of the Persian Navy. A great powerful, independent and intelligent woman who won many battles during the Achaemenid Dynasty Era.

The name Artemisia means: The great speaker of truth